miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Well i really haven’t a favorite web site, or if i have it, i don’t remember the link but there are some good websites i can recommend you to visit, some funny ones like http://www.locoarts.com/ this one is about some funny argentine cartoons, or http://www.teagames.com/ in this site you can find lots of flash games if you are little bored.
There was a web site i used to visit a lot, http://www.pandora.com/ because you could listen music and save different music stations but now you have to pay for it so i didn’t visit it again, but instead of that i use http://www.futuro.cl/, it is a rock radio website and you can listen radio on-line, so some times if am not at home and i have work to do, (for example if i am at university) i listen that radio. i think that the last site i mentioned, is the one i usually visit, but my life wouldn’t change drastically without it, because I can listen this rock music on the radio.

1 comentario:

Monse dijo...

I really liked pandora as well...it was specially a good option when you have to much to do for the Uni and you have already listened all your own music...