miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008

The da Vinci Code

This is one of my favorite books, and i think that this one is the best of this author, Dan brown, because i have read all his books, Angels and Demons, Digital Fortress, and Deception Point.
Angels & Demons is related with The Da Vinci Code and it is good but isn't necessary to read one to understand the other.
One of the most interesting things of the book is that some times you don’t know what part is real and what part is fiction of the novel because we all know that Leonardo Da Vinci and his codes existed and all things related to him like the paintings and the sacred geometry of the divine proportion (phi= 1.618) so sometimes you hesitate and get lost with the plot of the book. I remember when I was reading the book sometimes i searched information on the internet about his pictures and analyzed them and the things related with the book to know if it was true what I was reading or not.
I recommend it of course it’s a lot better than the movie, so read it and then, if you want, watch it.

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